Veterans Triples 2023

Brian & Gordon Make it Three in a Row –

The 2023 Veterans Triples took place on Saturday 7th October at the St Mary terrains.

Eleven teams took part and after four preliminary rounds, the top four faced off in the semi-finals. Top with four wins, Derek & Joy Hart & Steve Foster played the 2021 winners Brian Harris, Gordon de Gruchy & Les Norman who had three wins in the early rounds. After a tight game, Brian, Gordon & Les won 13-10.

The other semi-final was between Alex & Jean Stewart & Tony Morton and Dave & Brigitte Ibitson & Mike Fennell, who both won three games in the preliminaries. A very close game saw the Stewarts & Tony edge the win 13-12.

In the third place play-off, Derek, Joy & Steve repeated their earlier win against the Ibitsons and Mike, 13-8. In the final, Brian, Gordon & Les had an easier task, beating Tony & the Stewarts 13-3. Brian, Les & Gordon took the trophy in 2021 and Brian & Les, with Colin Myers won in 2022.

Veterans Champions – Brian Harris, Gordon de Gruchy & Les Norman

Second – Alex & Jean Stewart & Tony Morton

Third – Derek & Joy Hart & Steve Foster


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