Mixed Doubles 2023 – Part Two

The postponed last matches of the 2023 Mixed Doubles took place at the Weighbridge terrains on Saturday 14th October, this time, with only one small shower!

The semi-finals saw Elaine Paisnel & Brian Harris take on Katrina & Trevor Holden and Wendy Ritzema & Gary Cowburn against last year’s inaugural champions, Cassie Stewart-Le Gallais & Ross Payne.

After a slow start from both pairs, Elaine & Brian pulled away and beat Katrina & Trevor 13-8. Wendy & Gary had a slightly easier win against Cassie & Ross, 13-5.

In the third place play-off, Cassie & Ross were 9 all against Katrina & Trevor but the latter two placed well on the last end to take four and the game.

The final was a nip and tuck game with Wendy and Gary eventually pulling ahead and winning 13-8.

2023 Mixed Doubles Champions, Wendy Ritzema & Gary Cowburn

with (centre) Dave Ibitson, JPA Chairman

Siver Medalists – Elaine Paisnel & Brian Harris

Bronze Medalists – Katrina & Trevor Holden

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