Inter-Insular 2022

Jersey Edge Guernsey in Close Competition

After four rounds, it came down to points. After the first round (Singles – one point per game) Team Jersey found themselves 4-8 down – maybe due to the bumpy boat crossing! They pulled it back in the first of the Doubles rounds, taking that 4-2, giving them eight points to Guernsey’s four (12 all!).

The second Doubles round saw honours even, so 18 all with the Triples round (each game worth three points) to come. With one game to go, it needed Jersey to win the last game, which they did, meaning the match ended 24-24. A count back of points gave Jersey the cup by 299 points to 274, a winning margin of 25.

After a gap of three years, due to the dreaded Covid, it is good to see this long-standing event return to the calendar and we look forward to welcoming our neighbours in 2023.

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Christmas Greetings

The JPA wishes its members, players, supporters and friends in Jersey, the UK and beyond, a Happy Christmas and a peaceful, prosperous and boulistic New

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