European Competition 2024
– The Confédération Européenne de Pétanque are holding three European championships in 2024 in which Jersey could be represented. They are:
Men’s Singles and Doubles, Women’s Singles and Doubles and Mixed Doubles. The venue is Martigny, Switzerland from 19-23 June
Women’s Triples and Precision Shooting. The venue is Santa Susanna, Spain from 11-14 July
The Eurocup for Clubs which will be from 7-11 November at a venue to be decided. The players for this competition are selected by their club.
The JPA are not, unfortunately, in a position to be able to finance players to compete in these events. While Jersey Sport do offer grants to players, last year this was £40 per player and this year it is likely to be just £20.
So any player wishing to put their names forward to be considered for selection to represent Jersey will have to pay their own travel and accommodation costs.
With the JPA hosting the Home Nations this year, finances will be very limited but it is always good for Jersey to be represented in Europe and the experience gained from it is very valuable.
Should you wish to put your name forward for any of these competitions, please let the JPA secretary, Elaine Paisnel know, at