Development/Coaching Programme

PETANQUE JERSEY  is offering its members an opportunity to participate in a new free Development Programme aimed at helping players, both new to the game and those with some playing experience, to improve their performance in the Sport on the terrain.

The Programme’s objectives are to raise the level of a player’s technical skills in the areas of shooting, pointing, using a range of throws, the mental aspects of the game along with tactics and a better understanding of the rules.

Run over five sessions the Programme will have a theoretical base but will be predominantly practical employing a variety of exercises that can be adapted for use between sessions.

The Programme will run on Monday evenings between 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. at St Mary’s Parish Hall and the St Mary’s Club terrains. The first three dates are 13th November, 11th December & 15th January – more dates will be advised. The Programme will run regardless of the weather.

Attendees can take notes if they wish but there will be no written work or examination. So, bring yourselves, your boules and your desire to improve your game of Pétanque.

If you would like to register your interest in attending please contact the secretary of Pétanque Jersey, Elaine Paisnel at Please do so as soon as possible so that we can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate all those who wish to attend.

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